Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Eat, pray, love : one woman's search for everything across Italy, India and Indonesia - Elizabeth Gilbert

Words can't express how much I hate this book. I love the concept, I love the cover, I even liked the author (before I read this book!). Everybody seems to love it.


She's annoying and pretentious and completely nuts. And possibly lying through her teeth about everything.

Here's an example. She leaves her husband of 10 years to take up with her "soulmate" with whom she has a wild affair that leads her to meet her guru. Anyway, this is a tumultuous affair where they hate each other as often as they get along. She runs away to Italy for four months and tells the soulmate not to contact her while she's away. Six months later, after no contact from the guy, she e-mails him and says: "I think we should break up". His response? "I adore you more than words can say."

BLAH! She's a big faker.

Then she went to India to live in an ashram for 4 months. I didn't even make it to the part where she gets to Indonesia to live with a medicine man or something.

1 comment:

Girl Detective said...

I am one of those people who loved the book, but not everyone does. I know two others who didn't like her writing voice, and who found her cliched and unlikeable. Interestingly, neither had gone through a brutal breakup, and I'm wondering if that's one of the keys to liking the book.