Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Then we came to the end : a novel -- by Joshua Ferris.

I just started this book today. I must say that I'm not loving it to start. It feels very heavy and pretentious for a book that is supposed to be funny.

It's about an office that is going through layoffs. It sounded like it would be like the movie Office Space but I'm not getting that vibe. We'll see but as of now I'm not sure I'll be able to plow through this before it's due back at the library.

Update 6/20: I finished the book today at lunch. I'm not sure how I feel. It had some funny elements but mostly it was just strange and depressing. This was all about how people in cubes hate their jobs, they hate their cubes, the mostly hate their co-workers and in a lot of cases they hate the rest of their lives too.

The worst part of it is how familiar so much of the depressing vibe was. People droning on about how pointless and annoying work is and how they have their assigned roles within the office eco-system. But I guess that's also the best part of the book. The author certianly captures a feeling that is uncomfortably familiar.

Bottom line: don't bother, it's kind of depressing despite the fairly good writing

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